Why Do I Need an Emergency Tooth Extraction?

It can be intimidating to hear that an adult tooth needs to be removed.  Many dental professionals would prefer to keep any and all natural teeth, however, in some cases a tooth may need to be extracted for the greater good of your smile. 

An extraction is typically needed when a tooth is causing more harm in your mouth with either an infection, cavity, cracked or broken tooth, crowding, or perhaps even a mixture of these conditions. There are times when a tooth may need to be extracted, but it may not need an emergency extraction. It’s essential to know the difference between an emergency extraction and a non-emergency one. When a tooth isn’t causing too much pain at the moment, but a dentist recommends having it removed (for a number of reasons) this may not need an emergency extraction. A tooth that is could be causing you extreme pain from crowding, infections, or breakage (caused by accident) may indeed need an emergency extraction. 

A Break in a Tooth 

There are many ways a tooth can be affected by a break or a chip. Whether it’s from chewing on something too hard, playing extreme sports, or even from an unfortunate habit of grinding teeth at night, teeth may easily be affected by these things. If a chip occurs on a tooth, it can usually be saved by a bonding material that could repair the tooth quickly. The same method can be done to a break in a tooth, however, if the break in the tooth is extended below the gum line, the tooth cannot be saved and will need to be extracted. The reason for this is a bonding material cannot be added to the break below the gum line, which in turn, could cause an infection or bacteria build-up which can cause worse damage in the future. If the tooth is broken beyond the gum line, it is a cause for an emergency extraction. 

Jaw is Too Small to Fit All Teeth

Some patients have a mouth or jawbone that is too small to house all of the larger adult teeth. This is usually the case when wisdom teeth start to grow in, and there is no space for them to grow in fully. This can cause considerable complications in a short period of time. The impacted teeth will try to push through the gum line nonetheless and will end up driving your natural teeth towards each other, causing them to become crooked and cause you pain. When wisdom teeth are impacted, they can create crowding in your jaw and can become extremely painful; this Is a reason for an emergency tooth extraction. 

Extreme Tooth or Gum Infection

If you allow an infection to grow and don’t visit the dentist soon enough, the disease can spread relatively quickly and can be a cause for an emergency tooth extraction. When a pus-filled pocket develops, it can cause extreme pain in your jawbone, and it may cause your face to swell up as well. If this isn’t taken care of quickly, it may even create a whole-body infection. In order to avoid this very serious outcome, your dentist will perform an emergency tooth extraction to relieve you from the pain that could be avoided. 

Contact Renaissance Dental Care today to learn more about our tooth extraction process.

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