What causes a gummy smile?
If a person’s smile reveals an excessive amount of gum tissue above the teeth, that person has what’s known as a gummy smile. Dentists refer to a gummy smile as “excessive gingival display.” In many situations, people who have a gummy smile might feel self-conscious about their smile, believing that all people see is their gums. While this may not actually be the case, if your gummy smile causes insecurity or issues with self-esteem, the good news is, dentists can work with you to find a solution to fix your gummy smile. There isn’t a set medical measurement to determine whether a smile is considered gummy or not, and determining whether a smile is gummy or not is based mainly on perception. In many cases, smiles appear gummy when more than 2 millimeters of gum tissue is exposed upon smiling, and gummy smiles are more common among women than men. The treatment for a gummy smile will depend on the underlying cause, and you and your dental health practitioner will work together to determine the best course of treatment for you.
There are a few common causes of a gummy smile. The most common cause is the abnormal eruption of the teeth, which leads to teeth that remain partly covered by the gums. Some patients are simply genetically predisposed to an excessive amount of gum tissue, which also leads to a gummy smile. Some people may have unusually small teeth, especially relative to the amount of gum tissue. Others may have a hyperactive muscle in their upper lip, which causes the lip to curl up and away from the gums, exposing more of the upper gum line than is preferred. In some cases, there is a larger, structural problem with the jaw, which may grow in a way that causes the gums to bulge out. In many cases, these causes or conditions that lead to excessive gingival display, or a gummy smile, are genetic. This means that it’s likely that there’s nothing you can do to prevent a gummy smile. There are, however, treatments and approaches to improving the looks of a gummy smile and reducing the amount of gum tissue that is visible when smiling. The treatment for a gummy smile is based on the underlying cause of the issue, and is decided upon through a series of consultations and office visits. Sometimes, a gummy smile can be repaired through orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatments move the teeth and adjust the bite, making the gums appear less prominent. Sometimes, surgery is required, and sometimes, you and your dental health practitioner will decide to use a combination of surgery and orthodontic treatment. In more serious cases, like those that involve the malformation of the jaw, surgery is usually the first step in treatment and may be followed by a longer-term orthodontic treatment, but the timeline for treatment ranges significantly depending on the cause of the gummy smile. Some people have even found great improvement through the use of Botox injections, though this is a temporary solution. In some cases, the surgery itself can be a brief, in-patient procedure, so be sure to talk to your dentist if you’re interested in making your gummy smile more attractive.
More information on Gummy Smiles : How do I fix a gummy smile?
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