How Long is Oral Surgery Recovery

Every patient will have a different recovery time that will be informed by the severity of the surgery that is performed, their unique ability to heal, and how closely they follow instructions for post-operative care. To ensure that your recovery process is as quick and effective as possible, please refer to the following.

How to Reduce Swelling

Swelling commonly occurs after oral surgery has been performed. To help reduce swelling, place ice packs on the area where swelling is occurring, especially for the first 24 hours after surgery. Swelling may also be accompanied with mild bruising and facial stiffness. Symptoms typically improve within 7 to 10 days of surgery. If your symptoms have not improved by this time, or if you have any concerns, contact your dentist or oral surgeon.

Treating Post-Operative Bleeding

You should maintain pressure on the gauze for a minimum of 30 minutes after returning home from your oral surgery, applying firm pressure during this time. After you have reached 30 minutes, remove the gauze and inspect the area for additional blood flow. If there continues to be blood flowing from the area where surgery occurred, place a new piece of gauze and again, bite down for 30 minutes.

If you continue to see blood on the gauze following this time period, it is important to stay calm. The first question you need to ask yourself is, “Have I been maintaining firm pressure during this entire time?” If not, this may be a reason why the bleeding has not stopped. Attempt another 30-minute interval of maintaining constant firm pressure, making sure that your remain still and do not talk or spit during this period. It may also be helpful to bite down on a moistened tea bag during this time, as doing so can help facilitate the clotting process.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

A common mistake people make after they have had oral surgery performed is defaulting to their natural brushing and rinsing methods, which are typically too vigorous following this type of procedure. During the recovery process, it is important to remember to brush more gently than you typically would and to not use mouthwash until you have completely healed. It is safe to gently rinse your mouth with water, but do not spit the water out. Rather, let the water naturally fall from your mouth. If you take these precautions, you will ensure that the surgical site remains generally undisturbed, which will facilitate the healing process.

For patients who are tobacco users, it is critical to avoid smoking for at least 24 hours after your oral surgery. Smoking during this time period can cause the formation of dry sockets and generally slow down the healing process. Smokeless tobacco should also be avoided, as tobacco leaves can become wedged into the extraction site, which can cause pain and discomfort.

Lastly, the best thing you can do to help speed up your recovery time is to give yourself at least 48 hours to rest after your surgery. If you follow these general guidelines, you should be able to quickly return to your normal daily activities.

More on Oral Surgery : Oral Surgery FAQ