
Dental cleanings work wonders for keeping your teeth healthy and beautiful. But sometimes, there are aspects of your teeth that cannot be changed as easily. If you’re looking for a dental solution to get the best smile possible, you may want to ask about porcelain veneers at your next dental appointment.

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Every year, hundreds of thousands of dental patients forgo restoration treatment of their teeth in order to remove tooth decay. Some of the procedures typically performed include fillings, crowns, replacement implants, and veneers. Most of these procedures require multiple visits to your dentist to diagnose and treat tooth decay, with additional appointments to fabricate and…

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Bioclear is a cutting-edge technique that uses special matrices and an injection moulding technique to wrap a thin layer of dental composite material around your tooth to create fully functional and beautiful teeth which are finished with a Rock Star polish. Traditional composite bonding has a major role to play in cosmetic dentistry but it…

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Clear Aligners

Invisalign and Clear Aligners have quickly become one of the most popular dental procedures in the world. Invisalign & Clear Aligners are proven products that can straighten your teeth faster, more comfortably, and without the look of unsightly metal braces in your mouth. There’s never been a better time to get the smile you’ve always…

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Dental Bonging

Dental bonding is a common and popular treatment option for patients who have gaps between their teeth, cracked teeth, chips in their teeth, decaying teeth or even patients who have exposed roots caused by other dental conditions. The bonding is made from a composite resin material that is strong and can be molded to look…

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Medications’ Impact On Oral Health

MANY OF US need to take medications to treat a wide variety of conditions. However, even as those medications treat our illnesses, they could be causing problems for our teeth and gums. Medicine And Oral Chemistry Some medications—even some vitamins—can damage our teeth for the brief period that they’re in our mouths. This can pose a…

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The Effects Of Thumb Sucking And Pacifiers

BEING A PARENT, though wonderfully rewarding, can also be stressful and full of uncertainties, especially when it’s your first child and everything is new and overwhelming. Our practice might not be able to take away all of the uncertainties, but we can certainly help you out when it comes to pacifiers and thumb sucking and…

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Swimmer’s Ear? More Like Swimmer’s Tooth!

HAVE YOUR TEETH ever felt extra sensitive after a swim at the pool? That’s no coincidence, although it can take quite a lot of swimming before the effects become noticeable. What is it about the water in swimming pools that damages teeth? Chlorine: Good For Sanitation, Bad For Teeth That’s right: the same chemical that kills…

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Protecting Your Smile From White Spots

WHITE SPOTS APPEAR on our teeth for a variety of reasons. Although not all of them are harmful to our oral health, they still prevent our smile from truly shining through. Today we want to share with you some of the most common reasons these white spots appear, and what treatment is available to remove them and…

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Photo Op: Types Of Dental X-Rays

EVERYONE WHO’S BEEN TO THE DENTIST is familiar with X-rays. You put on the lead apron, you’re given a rectangular contraption and told “put this between your teeth and bite down,” and then you hear that tinny beep. Have you ever wondered what the different types of dental X-rays are and what they’re for? Let’s take…

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