What is Dental Prophylaxis?

Dental prophylaxis is a medical term for a number of dental procedures that basically promote good oral health. These are simple, proactive procedures that go along way to preventing tooth decay, cavities, gum disease, oral cancer and more. It also may go beyond a procedure with the introduction of the administration of antibiotics to prevent infection. Dental prophylaxis is quite important with children who are extremely vulnerable to dental problems. Following is a list of simple and common procedures that all fall under the umbrella of dental prophylaxis.

Dental Examinations

Some camps might consider a dental examination that overall umbrella that includes the complimentary procedures. The health industries strongly suggest that your in-home oral hygiene care should include brushing your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time. You should also floss at least once a day. This simple exercise at home goes along way in the daily removal of plaque. Plaque forms 24-7 with all of us. There are no exceptions. So consistent good habits at home keep the plaque in check. It is also suggested that you have at least two dental exams a year. Even though you do practice good oral hygiene there will always be plaque buildup that you have missed. There might be a small cavity that is developing that can be abated before it becomes a serious problem. The soft tissue of your gums will be examined for the suggestion of gum disease. X-rays will show the health of the teeth out of sight. Professional cleaning is always a terrific way to conclude a dental exam. All of these procedures are twice as important with children.


X-rays give your dentist the ability to see the health of your teeth, gums and jawbones below the gumline. X-rays will show cavities, abysses on roots, cracks in teeth, the condition of the bony area around the teeth, show periodontal disease and show the development of teeth which might include impacted wisdom teeth. The process is very safe today and pain-free. X-rays are an integral part of consistent examinations as a history of your oral health is documented.

Dental Cleaning

Other camps will consider this procedure as the real dental prophylaxis. Using a hand tool called a scaler, or possibly an ultrasonic cleaner, the dentist or hygienist will remove all plaque or tartar that is on the teeth. They will finish this procedure with a very good flossing, and some might include a polishing. This should be part of every dental examination.

Deep Scaling and Root Planing

If the plaque has moved further down the tooth it may have to be removed from below the gumline. This deep scaling or root planing is still part of a dental prophylaxis mindset. It is necessary to both stop and prevent the spread of gum disease. When plaque comes in contact with the soft tissue it will immediately result in an infection.

Fluoride Treatments or Sealants

The addition of a sealant has been proven to help children with the prevention of cavities and decay. Fluoride treatments can also prevent tooth decay in all ages.

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