What is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding raleigh north carolina is a procedure that is performed to address chipped, fractured, decayed, or discolored teeth. Bonding can also address gaps between teeth and can change the overall shape, color and size of your teeth. The procedure involves applying a resin, which matches the natural look of the surrounding teeth, onto the affected area. Dental bonding can be an affordable and relatively painless dental procedure that can generally be performed in just one visit.

Benefits of Dental Bonding

The most obvious benefit to having dental bonding performed is that doing so instantly improves the look of your smile, which in turn helps improve your sense of self-worth and overall confidence. Because the bonding can be colored to match the look of your natural teeth, and because it can be molded for varying lengths and thicknesses, the bonding process looks and feels like your natural smile and bite. In addition to the cosmetic benefits, dental bonding also strengthens the tooth, which can reduce the chances of infection or additional issues from developing.

The Dental Bonding Process

The dental bonding process begins with your dentist selecting the composite color that best matches the look of your surrounding teeth. Once this is determined, your dentist will clean and dry the tooth or teeth being bonded. If necessary, your dentist will provide a local anesthetic. Once appropriately cleaned and dried, your dentist will use isolation techniques to prevent moisture from interfering. Next, your dentist will apply a solution to the surface of your teeth, which will help strengthen the bonding. Once this solution is removed (usually after 15 seconds), then liquid adhesive and bonding is applied until the appropriate thickness has been achieved. Once the resin is cured, your dentist will clean, polish, and adjust the bonding so it matches your natural bite. Once completed, you will be ready to leave with a natural looking smile!

This process generally only takes one or two hours, though more severe cases or instances that require bonding for multiple teeth may take longer or require multiple visits.

Caring for Dental Bonding

Dental bonding will generally last several years before it needs to be repaired, but the longevity of your bonding will ultimately be determined by the level of self-care you take following the procedure. Immediately following your dental bonding procedure, it is important to avoid chewing hard or sticky foods and avoid drinking coffee, tea, or any other liquids that can stain the resin for 2-3 days. It is also important to be aware that bonding is not as strong as real teeth, so avoid bad oral habits, such as biting your fingernails or opening packages with your teeth.

Aside from that, the best way to maintain the health of your bonding and increase its longevity is to continue practicing good oral hygiene habits. Be sure you continue brushing and flossing twice a day, and continue scheduling your regular dental appointment checkups as prescribed by your dental professional. If you follow these best practices, your bonded teeth should last a long time.

More About Dental Bonding : How Long Does Dental Bonding Last?