How Much Does Dental Bonding Cost?

The cost of bonding is difficult to determine without a consultation, but your geographic location, dental insurance plan, and the availability and reputation of your dentist will all factor into determining the overall cost. It is also important to be aware that every patient is different, which means that your dentist may need to make special accommodations to provide you with the personalized treatment you need. Fortunately, dental bonding raleigh nc can generally be taken care of in just one appointment, unless it is being done in conjunction with other procedures.

The initial cost of dental bonding will take place during your consultation, where your dentist will perform a thorough examination of your teeth and gums to determine whether dental bonding is the appropriate procedure for you. If your issues are primarily related to teeth discoloration, cavities, chips, or fractures, there is a good chance that dental bonding is the right intervention for you. If, however, you have more significant oral health issues, your dentist may suggest other more extensive procedures, such as crowns and/or veneers.

The final cost of having dental bonding will also be determined when it is either being done in conjunction with other procedures or if it is a standalone procedure. For example, if you needed to have a crown made from a laboratory, you will not have to pay an additional bonding fee to bond your crown into place, as the cost is absorbed into the cost of the crown procedure. If, on the other hand, you have elected for a cosmetic procedure, such as composite veneers, the cost of bonding will not be included. The cost for this procedure varies but is generally between $400-$800 per tooth for composite direct veneers and around $900-$1,500 for indirect porcelain veneers.

Cost of Treating Dental Bonding After Care

One of the best ways to keep the costs of dental bonding down is to take good care of your teeth following this procedure. Dental bonding will last several years before it needs to be repaired, but the longevity of your bonding will ultimately be determined by the level of care you take following the procedure. To avoid causing early and unnecessary damage to the bonding, avoid chewing hard or sticky foods as well as drinking coffee, tea, or any other liquids that can stain the resin for 2-3 days following the procedure. It is also important to be aware that bonding is not as strong as real teeth, so be sure to avoid bad oral habits, such as biting your fingernails or opening packages with your teeth.

Aside from that, the best way to maintain the health of your bonding and increase its longevity is to continue practicing good oral hygiene habits. Be sure you continue brushing and flossing twice a day and also be sure to continue scheduling dental hygiene appointments as prescribed by your dental professional. If you follow these best practices, your bonded teeth should last a long time and help keep your dental bills to a minimum.

More About Dental Bonding : What is Dental Bonding?