Protect Your Smile With A Custom Mouthguard

THE CRISP SMELL OF FRESHLY CUT GRASS on the soccer field, the gleam of the basketball court before a game, the cheering fans at the football stadium, the feeling of the baseball bat, familiar in your hands… There’s no doubt about it–playing sports can be a magical thing. We love when our patients are having fun…

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Why Does Food Taste Funny After Brushing?

HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED why certain foods taste unpleasant after brushing your teeth in the morning? Most of us have experienced that bitter sensation a time or two, but what exactly causes it? Your Mint Toothpaste Flavor Isn’t To Blame It’s a common misconception that mint-flavored toothpaste causes the unpleasant taste when eating that first meal…

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4 Tips To Soothe A Toothache Before Your Appointment

SUDDEN TOOTHACHES ARE painful and far from convenient in today’s busy world. However, getting to a dentist as quickly as possible is the best thing you can do to treat and relieve your pain as well as prevent any further problems. Your Dentist Can Provide Effective Treatment And Long-Term Relief It’s important to remember that there…

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