Saliva: The Unsung Hero of Oral Health

EVER THINK ABOUT HOW GREAT your saliva is? Probably not. We’d love to enlighten you! Saliva has an all-important role in your oral and digestive health. Saliva Has Many Important Functions Our bodies make two to four pints of saliva a day. That means that over a lifetime, a person will create enough saliva to…

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Chewing Sugar-Free Gum Boosts Your Oral Health

GUM ISN’T ALL ABOUT freshening your breath. While it definitely helps after that garlic pasta you had for lunch, did you know chewing sugarless gum can also prevent cavities and improve your oral health? Chewing Gum Increases Saliva Flow and Prevents Cavities According to the American Dental Association, studies show that chewing sugar-free gum for…

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How Stress Can Affect Your Oral Health

DID YOU KNOW THAT STRESS can have an effect on your oral health? As if you needed any more on your plate! Knowing how stress and oral health are connected can help you combat any problems that might arise. Stress May Contribute to Teeth Grinding Bruxism is the technical term for habitual teeth grinding and…

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